Osteopathic Treatment Options
Soft Tissue Manipulation
Soft-tissue techniques consist of all techniques that focus on all body tissue other than the bones. Soft tissues in the body include muscles, tendons and ligaments. Although traditional massage may seem similar to soft tissue osteopathic techniques, they are different. Traditional massage mainly focused on muscles. It involves the use of broad movements. On the other hand, osteopathic techniques are more targeted. The techniques work other tissues other than muscles.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral manipulation (aka visceral massage) is a hands-on therapy that focuses on your organs. The main area of focus is typically your abdomen. The goal is to relieve tension, improve connective tissue mobility, and encourage better digestive function.
Neurological Techniques
Osteopathic Articular Technique
Cranial Sacral Osteopathy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.
Lymphatic Techniques
The lymphatic system can easily be overlooked, but it has a drastic impact on the immune system. The spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, lymph channels, adenoids, tonsils, and thymus make up the lymphatic system. This mesh of tissues and organs exports toxins, waste, and unnecessary materials via lymph fluid out of the body. Osteopathic manipulative treatment is used to treat somatic dysfunctions and improve immunity, tissue drainage, and circulation.