Finding the Best Chiropractor in Toronto

The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Toronto Chiropractor If we’ve learned one thing over the last few years, it’s that it’s essential to prioritize our well-being! And what better way to start than booking a chiropractic treatment, to ensuring our spine and back are in top-notch condition? In a big city like Toronto, where chiropractors,…

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Fast Facts: 5 benefits of Active Release Technique (TM)

The Active Release Technique (ART)* is a soft tissue management system that aims to treat problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Here are five potential benefits associated with the use of ART*: It’s important to note that the effectiveness of ART* can vary from person to person, and individual results may depend on…

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Maximize your Benefits with Specialty Services!

Extended healthcare benefits are priceless if you have an unexpected injury or chronic condition that takes you away from the things you love to do. An integrated treatment plan that combines the expertise of multiple practitioners is an effective way to reduce pain and improve function[1,2,3], and having benefits coverage (and convenient direct billing) to…

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Chiropractic Care and Cupping

More than just adjustments: Diversified Chiropractic Treatment Options Cupping therapy uses glass or silicone cups to apply distraction (vacuum pressure) to areas of muscle tension and restriction, allowing for improved circulation and promoting tissue healing. Most people only think of spinal adjustments when they think of chiropractic care; however, diversified chiropractic may also include manual therapy techniques…

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