Osteopathy Treatment vs Integrative Massage
We get so many requests for Osteopathy and so many questions about our different osteopathic treatment options that we thought we’d answer a few of them here for you! Here are a few of the things you’ll want to know before booking an Osteopathy appointment:
Osteopathy Insurance Coverage
Most major benefits plans allow coverage for Osteopathy, and direct billing is available on select plans. Receipts will be provided for any clients wishing to submit to other health care plans with coverage for Osteopathy.
Many insurers allow direct billing for Osteopathy! Check your individual policy details for more information.

Registered Osteopaths in Toronto’s west end
Our team is located at Bloor and Lansdowne in the heart of downtown Toronto, and just steps from transit. We have been proudly serving patients from Bloordale, Parkdale, the Junction, and Junction Triangle since 2013!
All Osteopaths at Anatomica hold Masters degrees in Osteopathic Science – the highest standard of education in Osteopathy. Our Osteopaths are registered members of the most reputable and elite Osteopathic Associations, allowing their treatments to be claimed to all known benefits plans in Ontario!
Osteopathy Explained (Briefly)
Anatomica’s osteopathic manual practitioners are functional anatomists who use manual therapy and gentle manipulations to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and the circulation of cardiovascular, digestive, lymphatic and spinal cord fluids. This allows the client to thrive, as the body naturally heals from injuries, illness, and trauma.
For more information about Osteopathy, check out these resources on our blog:
Registered Massage Therapy with Osteopathic Techniques
Integrative Manual Treatment is a great option if you want to experience Osteopathic theory but your benefits or health care plan doesn’t have separate coverage for it!
Integrative Manual Therapy is a unique therapeutic approach which draws on osteopathy principles and professional massage therapy practice. Integrative treatment starts with osteopathic & orthopedic assessments, and may include soft-tissue release, visceral manipulation, and Craniosacral therapy, as well as precision joint mobilizations and osteopathic manipulations and techniques, within the RMT Scope of Practice.*
*Eligible for direct billing or reimbursement under plans with RMT coverage. Integrative Manual Treatment does not qualify for Osteopathic coverage.