Chiropractic vs. Osteopathy

Understanding the difference and which is right for you

Are you experiencing back pain or discomfort and not sure which therapy to choose? You’re not alone. At Anatomica, our multidisciplinary team offers a variety of options, but two popular methods often come up in discussions: chiropractic and osteopathy. Both practices focus on treating musculoskeletal conditions and promoting overall wellness, but they have distinct differences in their approach and techniques.

Chiropractic utilizes spinal adjustments and manipulations to correct misalignments and improve nervous system function. On the other hand, osteopathy takes a more holistic approach, incorporating soft tissue manipulation, joint mobilization, and other techniques to enhance the body’s natural healing abilities. To determine which therapy is right for you, it’s essential to understand their unique characteristics and consult with a qualified practitioner who aligns with your healthcare goals. This article will delve deeper into the similarities and differences between chiropractic and osteopathy, empowering you to make an informed decision about your healthcare journey. Read on to discover the best fit for your needs and take a step towards optimal musculoskeletal health and overall wellness.

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, particularly those involving the spine. Chiropractors believe that misalignments of the spine (called subluxations) can interfere with the nervous system’s proper function, leading to a variety of health problems.

Chiropractic care is often used to treat conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and joint pain. Regular visits with a Chiropractic doctor can also help regulate the nervous system.

Chiropractors use various techniques, such as spinal adjustments and manipulations, to correct subluxations and restore normal nervous system function. These adjustments involve applying controlled force to the affected joint, which can create a popping or cracking sound.

Chiropractors may also use other techniques, such as massage, stretching, and exercise, to help patients manage pain, improve mobility, and promote overall wellness.

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, as well as the body’s overall health and wellness. Osteopaths believe that the body’s various systems (such as the musculoskeletal, nervous, and circulatory systems) are all interconnected and that dysfunction in one system can affect the others.

Osteopathic manual practitioners not only treat the bones, joints and soft tissues, but also include the lymphatic system, visceral organs, and nervous system in their holistic approach to care.

Osteopaths use various techniques, such as soft tissue manipulation, joint mobilization, and stretching, to improve the body’s natural healing abilities and restore balance. Unlike chiropractors, osteopaths do not typically use spinal adjustments or manipulations as their primary form of treatment.

Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, digestive issues, and respiratory problems. Osteopathy is also used to promote overall wellness and prevent future health problems.

Similarities between chiropractic and osteopathy

While chiropractic and osteopathy have distinct differences in their approach and techniques, they also share some similarities. Both practices focus on treating musculoskeletal conditions and promoting overall wellness. They both view the body as a whole, interconnected system and believe that dysfunction in one area can affect the others.

Both chiropractors and osteopaths use manual techniques to diagnose and treat conditions, such as joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and stretching. They may also recommend exercises and lifestyle changes to help patients manage pain, improve mobility, and promote overall wellness.

Differences between chiropractic and osteopathy

Despite their similarities, chiropractic and osteopathy have several key differences in their approach and techniques. The primary difference is that chiropractors use spinal adjustments and manipulations as their primary form of treatment, while osteopaths do not.

Chiropractors believe that misalignments of the spine can interfere with the nervous system’s proper function, leading to a variety of health problems. They use spinal adjustments and manipulations to correct these misalignments and restore normal nervous system function.

Osteopaths take a more holistic approach, using various manual techniques to improve the body’s natural healing abilities and restore balance. They do not typically use spinal adjustments or manipulations as their primary form of treatment.

Another difference between chiropractic and osteopathy is their approach to diagnosis. Chiropractors often use X-rays and other imaging studies to help diagnose conditions, while osteopaths rely more on physical examination and palpation.

Conditions treated by chiropractors

Chiropractic care is often used to treat musculoskeletal conditions, particularly those involving the spine. Some of the most common conditions treated by chiropractors include:

– Back pain

– Neck pain

– Headaches

– Joint pain

– Sciatica

– Scoliosis

Chiropractors also treat other conditions such as disc herniations, rotator cuff injuries, migraine, digestive problems, positional vertigo, and can prescribe orthotics for mechanical dysfunctions and gait problems.

Conditions treated by osteopaths

Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions, as well as other health problems. Some of the most common conditions treated by osteopaths include:

– Back pain

– Joint pain

– Lymphatic swelling

– Digestive problems

– Respiratory problems

– Menstrual cramps

Osteopaths may also treat other conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Choosing between chiropractic and osteopathy

When deciding between chiropractic and osteopathy, it’s essential to consider your individual healthcare needs and goals. Chiropractic may be a good choice if you have a musculoskeletal condition that involves the spine and want a more focused approach to treatment.

Osteopathy may be a better choice if you want a more holistic approach to treatment that focuses on overall health and wellness, or if you have a condition that does not involve the spine.

It’s also important to consider the qualifications and experience of the practitioner you choose. Look for a chiropractor or osteopath who is licensed and has experience treating your specific condition, and a reputable clinic like Anatomica that offers direct billing on both Osteopathy and Chiropractic.



Chiropractic and osteopathy are two popular forms of alternative medicine that focus on treating musculoskeletal conditions and promoting overall health and wellness. While they have distinct differences in their approach and techniques, they both offer effective treatment options for a wide range of conditions.

When deciding between chiropractic and osteopathy, it’s important to consider your individual healthcare needs and goals and your personal preferences for treatment — and to choose a qualified practitioner who aligns with your values and preferences. With the right practitioner, you can experience optimal musculoskeletal health and overall wellness.

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